Ostrava, also known as the Moravian-Silesian metropolis, is the third largest city in the Czech Republic, located in the northeast of our country, near the Slovak and Polish borders.
The attractiveness of the hotel's location is enhanced by the proximity of the Moravian-Silesian Beskydy Mountains, which are the largest protected landscape area in the Czech Republic with a number of unique natural attractions. Lysá hora (the highest mountain in the Beskydy) about 40 km.
All information about Ostrava can be found here: www.ostravainfo.cz
a small guide to Ostrava
overview of events in Ostrava, etc.
doneSlezskoostravský hrad
doneNárodní kulturní památka Dolní oblast Vítkovice
doneRadniční věž
doneHornické muzeum Landek
doneVýstava miniatur MiniUni
doneZOO Ostrava
doneStodolní ulice – Ulice, která nikdy nespí s množstvím kaváren a barů
doneOstravské muzeum
doneU6 – Malý svět techniky atd.
doneAvion Shopping Park
doneForum Nová Karolina
doneOC Futurum